Geraldo Rivera laid out his qualifications for the President of the United States, and among them: you cannot believe in God. This is where we are today. He knows that statement will make him popular with many Americans, maybe even most Americans. It’s no longer that people are free to have different opinions on this topic. It has come to where if you are a believer, you are “weird”.
A few weeks ago I had the severely disturbing and disappointing trauma of hearing a keynote speaker at a healthcare conference announce that family values and patriotism are outdated and stand in the way of progress. He went on to explain that as we progress, with great thanks to the Occupy Movement, we’ll see employers stop hiring for skills and focus more on hiring for ideology. Ability will become a bad word because ability is God given and cannot be controlled the way propaganda can. Those who are “Able” are about to be hunted down and destroyed by those who are “Cain”.
Atheist Ayn Rand predicted this outcome of government in her 1950s epic novel “Atlas Shrugged”. Within 1000+ humanistic pages that never so much as hint at anything concerning faith in the supernatural, she presents the same inevitability with venomous contempt. The inevitability that when people set out to control others they must discredit those ideologically opposed to them, especially if those people are smarter and better than the ones trying to control them.
I bring attention to Ayn Rand’s atheism because my position will fallaciously be written off as “religious dogma”, so it must be balanced out. Trying to accuse Ayn Rand of “religious dogma” would be like accusing a woman of being misogynistic. Though propagandists will anyway.
One of the deep and convincing aspects of the gospel story of Jesus Christ is the accurate portrayal of how society responded to Him. If He could raise people from the dead, cause the blind to see, and forgive the sins of the world, then the political goons simply had no choice, either control his ideology, or kill Him off. They weren’t as smart as Him, they weren’t as wise as Him, and they were nowhere near as powerful as Him. So just like Satan, they had to contend with Him because they were/are evil.
In Ayn Rand’s revelation, society reaches a “progressive apex” wherein they’ve determined that human brilliance is no different than any other commodity. That it doesn’t belong to the individual, but to all of society (code for the few that decide what’s “best” for the many), and therefore the much-less-than-brilliant that wish to rule should have more say in the use of other people’s minds than they do. The contemptuous term “looters” is used throughout the story to describe them. Almost like the “copper tops” of the excellent story conveyed in “The Matrix” everyone that submits to the collective becomes inextricably guilty of the worst of that collective’s crimes. In Rand’s world, even if you weren’t born with intelligence or strength that allowed you to excel beyond your peers, you still could participate with them so long as you did not support the “looting” of their minds. Otherwise, you were as guilty as the rest.
In modern times much of the world despises America. Just recently a hospital in Afghanistan was bombed by American forces (yes, despite the photo-ops and deceptive claims, we’re still operating there many years after our esteemed leader won his Nobel Prize). Are we part of that? Unfortunately, we are. All of us. When a child that is orphaned by such an attack, the child of a doctor volunteering with Doctors Without Borders, grows to hate Americans, America, and everything we represent, ask yourself what would you do? With our leadership running all over the nation taking photo-ops to push domestic policy priorities. After silently allowing them to fire off anyone that was ideologically opposed to them so that they can go on operating with irrational and arrogant self-interests. We become no different than the people doomed in the Winston Tunnel by one bloviating politician:
“The man in Bedroom A, Car No. 1, was a professor of sociology who taught that individual ability is of no consequence…
The man in Roomette 7, Car No. 2, was a journalist who wrote that it is proper and moral to use compulsion ‘for a good cause’ who believed that he had the right to unleash physical force upon others – to wreck lives, throttle ambitions, strangle desires, violate convictions, to imprison, to despoil, to murder – for the sake of whatever he chose to consider as his own idea of ‘a good cause’…
The woman in Roomette 10, Car No.3, was an elderly schoolteacher who had spent her life turning class after class of helpless children into miserable cowards, by teaching them that the will of the majority is the only standard of good and evil…
The man in Drawing Room B, Car No. 4, was a newspaper publisher who believed that men are evil by nature and unfit for freedom…” (and the list goes on…)
Each of those are shortened, and I encourage you to find the uncut version of this. She may not have believed in God, but she sure believed in intellectual honesty, and her work is full of just that. I do hope that at some point in her life she discovered that God exists far beyond our intellect and that her intellect hadn’t dis-proven God, quite to the contrary, she only managed to demonstrate how much higher and how much greater He is than we are. She proved the existence of evil, and of Satan himself. The same snake that temped Eve, and Cain, can be seen in the actions of Wesley Mouch as he turns his every ability to trying to seize everyone else’s.
I believe in God. I believe He is the source of our “talents” and He does not delegate this to power lusting politicians. I believe what we are witnessing now was concisely demonstrated when Cain killed Abel. It’s even ironic that “Able” was Abel’s name. The “able” among us are allocated our talents to serve God. Those who – like Cain – reject God will and do become our mortal enemies. There are many that are not “able” or worse, twist the talents they were given into tools for subjugation. As they focus their efforts on discrediting the able and willing among us, any good they could have done dwindles to nothing and soon becomes outright havoc.
We are seeing the beginnings of persecution of Christians like we’ve never imagined. The gunman in Oregon that inspired Geraldo’s position against Dr. Ben Carson was lining up people and asking them if they were Christian, and killing them if they said they were. That disturbing reality was not as newsworthy for our leadership as the opportunity to disarm citizens. So ironically Mr. Rivera goes on to declare that creationists are “weird” almost encouraging more “culling” of the “backward” Christian population that stands between him and his Utopian dream. It is this kind of contempt that encourages me to affirm my support of Dr. Ben Carson for President of the United States and to leave you with these words from Christ Himself:
“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” – Matthew 5:11
Random kudos to Matt Walsh for this article: