Dear Europe, Don’t like Donald Trump? Then you shouldn’t have helped make him.
Happy New Year 2016 Europe!
Of course I don’t expect you to take any credit for this, but you should. At least a bit. You sure hated Bush didn’t you? You hated him so much that you awarded your messianic “anti-Bush” an unearned Nobel Prize. Claiming: “We have not given the prize for what may happen in the future. We are awarding Obama for what he has done in the past year. And we are hoping this may contribute a little bit for what he is trying to do…”
Like arrogant socialist governments are prone to do, you attempted to socially engineer part of an election that you otherwise would have no influence in. You dismissed “the colonies'” culture and values much like your monarchs of old and insulted many of the actually noble and deserving nominees in your bee-line to turn a golden coin into an orange carrot to be dangled in the face of what you perceived to be a mindless ass. We the People of the “colonies” as you call us.
Yet, here we are, coming up on the 8th year of a grand social experiment and it turns out your arrogance doesn’t work any better here than it does there. Your social engineering has only again proven that: “The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.” Your messiah has wreaked so much havoc on our health care system and economy that We the People are manic. I’ve debated this point for months and the fact is, American citizens en-masse are now so fed up with anti-capitalism that we believe we need a mega-capitalist to counterbalance the abuses your savior has heaped upon us. Yes Europe, you had it to do over and you again created a Revolution and his name is Donald Trump.
I’ve known your ilk, and I empathize with your pain. As you socialized your own countries into global irrelevance you became tormented by America’s influence. Your pride was constantly offended by American movies and American money, America this, America that… Oh the agony. I hear ya… Frankly, I’d be perturbed if I were you as well. When our elections mean more to you than your own you’ve truly come to a new low for a collection of ancient and previously great nations. Now you have so much less inspiring priorities. Like trying to prop up perpetually retired countries like Greece, or trying to assimilate millions of refugees – perhaps to do the jobs that your young adults will not? Oh the horror.
Still you haven’t learned. In stubborn arrogance once you could no longer claim prosperity or influence you retreat to your perceived moral high ground, yet how can you continue to fool yourselves? Your policies only serve yourselves and it shows. Your narcissistic humanism disguised as morality is not America’s fault, you have nobody to blame but yourselves.
Now, America can’t blame you for our elections, you’re not relevant enough to earn such blame. We’ll just correct, perhaps over-correct. That’s the beauty and curse of democracy. Just remember this as the chips fall where they may. We the People are no longer your subjects.
I recognize the basis of your fear. Atheist governments cannot tame the wind and waves, yet you want desperately to believe they can. No amount of human rationale ever has, nor ever will, bring salvation. The wind and the waves still obey only One and Jesus is the only true King & even His kingdom is not of this world. So for you whose only world is this world, fear is all you are left with. Fear of Bush, fear of Trump.. fear of Americans.
God bless ya, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and cheers mates. Look at the bright side. At least now you can stop being disappointed with your own politician of choice and just despise the guy right from the start. You did hear that Putin likes him right? Wow… just wow.
Great article! Hit the nail right on the head.
Is this guy talking about Europe?…..From America? Dude you have the largest debt in human history, and it grows every year. And guess what this has started since the first Bush Senior who raised taxes, just like clinton, and just like Bush Jr. You people are dumbasses, and don’t realize that you’re being played. Enjoy your war mongering and pretending that America is somehow exceptional. Nothing last forever, and your empire fits perfectly for the saying “what comes up, must come down” And guess what the 40s-80s was the best america ever got, now you’re taken over by Liberals while talking crap about another country. Maybe fix your broke ass country that is way over limit in owed money, with the largest prison population, and welfare state that even Europe is jealous of.
kay, debt is relative based on a Country’s ability to pay. For 2015 the USA is smack in the middle of European countries such as Greece and Italy, and Spain, Ireland, and France. In short, the USA is on par with Europe, not the “largest debt in human history” unless you balance that against the “largest gdp in human history”. Japan is actually the “largest” for 2015.
That being said, at the turn of the 21st century our D:GDP was 56.5% under Bush. Under Obama, Europe’s socialist darling, that has risen to more than 105%.
Comparing that to the EU, who was significantly higher at more than 60% at the turn of the Century, and who now, even with Greece & Italy are at well over 90% you can see how Americans might find Europe’s adoration of Barack Obama to have been an act of aggression. Like the article stated, Europe’s socialism doesn’t work here either. People are angry, and the atmosphere is exactly right for a tyrant promising to “fix” things.
Still very interested in where you’re from to say this: ” fix your broke ass country”, I doubt you’ll tell us. My bet is Canada. If so I suspect your days are numbered on your high horse. While Canada’s D:GDP is truly inspiring and any intellectually honest American should be ashamed in light of it, your GDP is more closely linked to China’s than any of your neighbors.
Canada’s debt is amazing, which is why American anti-debt conservatives have lobbied to exploit American national resources the way Canada has. I certainly hope Canada survives China’s crash, but I also believe this article is making the same point you’re making. The USA is following in Europe’s footsteps and has gone from a lower D:GDP to a higher one since the turn of the century.
They know they’ve ruined their Countries and their neighbors too. They are entirely reliant on their governments. None of that is unforgivable, but continuing to do the same destructive things afterward is pretty tough to ignore.
They’ve got their hands full now, they’ve welcomed an invasion force. They’re trying to pressure the USA into doing the same (as usual). I didn’t see them volunteering to take any of the half million people crossing our borders without visas. They’re looking at roughly that many themselves, maybe even closer to 800,000. Yet, in typical fashion, we’re supposed to bail them out while dealing with our own too. We’ve reached a height of human arrogance. Usually it’s just an individual, a Hitler, a MacArthur, a Trump… but when it’s the majority of a population things get very dangerous. I agree Les, 2016 is very dangerous. Don’t underestimate China’s role in this. So long as their currency shell game was working they were appeased, but the game is falling a part and their new strategy is already showing as they expand their borders and flex their muscles. Xi, Putin, Khamenei …
BO: “The United States of America is the most powerful nation on Earth, period. Period. It’s not even close. It’s not even close. It’s not even close.”
Sounds a lot like famous last words.
Proverbs 16:18: “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”
Your material is incredibly interesting.
Did he just insult Atheism and preach Christianity?
Actually true christian americans, the Eastern European countries ie Hungary, Poland, Czech land, etc that your commie loving, commie feeding and commie funding pee residents: fdr of opium running fortune, truman of klansman bent, and mighty ike of antiMacArthur, antiPatton fame (2 great Americans who wanted to save Korea and China from Mao and Europe from vile Stalin) helped destroy and enslave under bolshevik yoke are not succumbing to mooselimbs and NWO goons cuz they’ve seen this show before.
Jesus, Hitler, MacArthur, Patton saw antihuman antiChristian communism and jew banksters as the greater evil.
The evil usa banks and armies (fighting for CIA access to drug trade centers from vietnam warand golden triangle to Iran-Contra and S America, Columbia, to Iraq-Afghan war for poppy fields) have done to this world is coming home to roost in land of Great Satan, good ole u s of a.
But hey England and that George III was a real bastard, taxing you to pay his redcoats to fight the redskins for ya.
Truth has no agenda.
‘Your messiah’? … are europeans responsible for the ‘free’ choices of americans?
You made your own bed, you have yo lie in it, and not blame anybody else. Opps, sorry, that’s not how its works, does it? Our fault you might elect a narcissistic demagogue? Why yes, of course, what was I thinking! Morons.
Thar she blows! I suspect most of the queen’s subjects read the whole thing and know the post is right, others are too vulgar to approve, but there are always the more remedial sorts that make sport of themselves for not reading.
I approved this one after clearing a masked vulgarity, there was *only* one this time. We probably need a disclaimer that atheists and Sunday-only “christians” should just move on. If someone can’t make their point without an F-bomb there are plenty of their own godless choirs to preach to. Plenty.
I saw his post, I’m the one that flagged it. Vulgarity is vulgarity. He only embarrassed himself. Nearly every comment from Europe has vulgarity in it.
Fear of Trump-whatever for?
Wow Les, that’s a bit in-your-face don’t ya think? Fair enough though, I know your story and how you were treated overseas.