In a move that has been surprising to some, Vladimir Putin has announced that he is pulling troops out of Syria. This is surprising for some, because some are not able to imagine the mentality of a dictator that has no term limits and simply waits out American election cycles to expand his power. He has played the west for complete fools, and I cannot disagree with him.
Before I go further, I should explain what I mean by Putin having no term limits. This is probably obvious to most readers, but probably not to all. While Putin’s Russia pretends to have elections and Presidents, and “term limits”, Medvedev (prior president, now pm) is barely more than a puppet. Putin is a dictator, plain and simple.
Now with that behind us, consider carefully the move here. The United States has come to election season and things aren’t looking too good for Vlad’s other puppets, the Democrats. That is unless of course you count Donald Trump as another Democrat. Putin has no term limits, no concern about elections, and he has American progressives nearly as trained to rollover and play dead as Medvedev. So, what does a chess-master like Putin do? He talks “peace”, he “pulls out” of Syria with time to spare going into a debate season that could result in more statements like:
We are being played like a piano. The chess-master… no, make that puppet-master, Vlad Putin, is manipulating the American public in hopes of seeing another doormat, probably Hillary, take office and offer him another 4-8 years of motherland expansion.
So, come debate time, or even sooner, when we hear about what a great job the current administration has done at managing the threat of Russia (that supposedly didn’t exist 4 years ago?). Just picture a marionette with Vladimir pulling the strings. Here’s an example: