I nearly posted an article claiming that it was certain that the UK would never pull out of the EU. Obviously I’m glad I didn’t speak so certainly after-all.
It’s frankly amazing that they did this. It’s so amazing because socialism is so arrogant. Socialism creates systems that preclude any possibility that it could ever be criticized. Just like a gambling casino, the house never loses, but lots of others do. Just like gambling, only a few win at all.
We could split hairs at the definition of “socialism”. We could quote Marx or Stalin, Mao Zedong or Hillary Clinton. A generally functional definition of socialism is that it is the antithesis of capitalism. I have a Biblical definition. Any system that replaces “love your neighbor as yourself” with “pay the government (or else) to love your neighbor so you don’t have to.”
Perhaps I should add that your neighbor actually gets far less love from socialism than the Czars and Bureaucrats. Human capability and productivity are steamrolled flat. The majority of the employed socialist society is serving the government, producing paperwork, obtaining and bickering over approvals and licenses for everything from driving to owning land, to earning income, to trying to improve the land that they’re already paying taxes to own. If the socialist government were just a “Nanny” it wouldn’t be this bad. What the socialist government really is is a tyrannical false god. A tyrannical false god that is worshiped all over the world by everyone that has no-faith or false-faith. A tyrannical false god for people who hate their neighbors so much that they cannot imagine that their neighbors think any better of them. So they strive and vote to ensure that – despite their hatred of their neighbors – their neighbors are beholden to them by the force of law. Those laws make more fruitless and unproductive jobs for more of society to exploit as they waste their lives away serving the tyrannical god called socialism while a small handful of actually productive individuals actually produce food, shelter, transportation and other actually helpful things. Of course they get paid peanuts compared to the politicians because the politicians make the rules.
So it really is amazing that socialists have admitted defeat, but what was the EU really besides socialism on top of socialism? So maybe that was the flaw in my discernment? Maybe I underestimated how resilient “the house” could be when it comes to rationalizing its losses? After all, the UK will remain socialist, but the power will just move back into the hands of the local Czars. Eureka, that was exactly my mistake. Of course they can do this and remain arrogant. They’ll just blame the others, not themselves. They’re the “productive” Czars, spending their days talking themselves blue in the face. It was Belgium, or Italy… those were the ones that messed up. Like I said, the house always wins. History has proven, socialism is only proven wrong by the death of its host. By the time that happens, it has already spread to others.
It may be subtle, but yes, of course I’m talking about the good ole’ USA. What is happening in the EU split is not so dissimilar to what happened in the USA around 1861. First it was South Carolina, but secession quickly spread. It spread so quickly that the federal governing body chose to stop it with violent and murderous force. Will that happen in the EU? If it did, would the socialists still claim their way is better than Jesus’ way? Does the USA have any hope of avoiding a similar conclusion? Have calls already begun for Italy or Germany to write their own articles of secession? How about US states? What has the world come to?
I don’t know about most of the above, but I’ll venture a suggestion at the last one. The world has come to the godless end times. Arrogance, ignorance, tyranny, and slander are plentiful. So much has already been surrendered to the tyrannical god of forced charity and legislated-morality that we have our own western version of Sharia law. Where Sharia law forces women to wear burqa’s ours forces them to share toilets with men. The similarities are so striking that both must be serving the same god. If they’re serving the same god, then should we be surprised that they are both violent and dangerous?
We didn’t need to hear from a prophet in 2015 to know that 2016 was going to be a mess. With this upheaval in Europe coming when it has we’re really facing some hazardous possibilities. Among them, the stark possibility that terrible things are on the horizon for them and us. Watch and pray, and take heart because Jesus has overcome the world.
I think the problem with our country is the same as with our brand of Christianity, people want laws to replace their unwillingness to take responsibility for their own actions and lives whether as a citizen of this nation or as a follower of Jesus Christ.
It doesn’t seem like many professing believers are actually believers, does it?
I love ‘Any system that replaces “love your neighbor as yourself” with “pay the government (or else) to love your neighbor so you don’t have to.”’
I noticed that too. Those people don’t want others to have any choice or freewill. Instead they want laws and government forces to force others to pay in to a system of fake rights and entitlements. He summed up why Jesus wasn’t a socialist right there. Jesus wouldn’t force someone to take care of Him. Instead He’d invite them to choose to. Much better that way for everyone.