Hillary Clinton is like O.J. Simpson. Everyone knows she’s guilty and everyone knows she got away with it. Some differences include:
1. Hillary’s crime spree has spanned decades, and has become difficult to even quantify.
2. Hillary and her husband both committed crimes.
3. O.J. was tried by a jury, Hillary and Bill were never even tried.
4. The Clintons not only avoided indictment, but they have seen to it that countless others are punished to the full extent of the law for less egregious offenses. (recent examples: Gen. Petraeus, Dinesh D’Souza…)
Most Democrats operate more akin to a crime family than a political party. They cover for each other so thoroughly that it may well be the one deciding not to press charges that wanted the crime committed in the first place. This kind of blatant corruption leaves rational people no other choice but to entertain the theory that Antonin Scalia was simply murdered. It’s just how they roll as demonstrated in every investigation into the Clintons to date.
So all that being said and known, what would happen to rational people if Hillary Clinton were to be elected president by a majority of our fellow citizens? What are they left to conclude? How does it happen that this is the best that the Democrats have to offer? How is it that nobody stood a chance at beating the lady that lost to B.H.O? If this is the lady that he beat, what would a Hillary Presidency look like?
I contend a Hillary presidency would bring about the same cynicism and hopelessness among our best and brightest as the “if-the-glove-don’t-fit-you-must-acquit” circus that surrounded the O.J. Simpson trial. Our best and brightest will no longer have any shadow of doubt that justice no longer exists in America. Anyone with any sense at all will no longer entertain the fantasy that America is special and somehow less corrupt than the rest of the world. That being said, I doubt it’ll come to that.
The list above also happens to be all of the reasons that America will not elect “Crooked Hillary.” Sure, plenty will vote for her. Most Beyonce-Kanye-Miley worshipers, all real racists (as opposed to those deemed racist for no other reason but their accent), anyone that eats steak but thinks “butcher” is a derogatory term, and those who are sure that their chihuahua is sentient. However, as I already said above, the intelligent Americans will not, and will prove that all is not lost, that America is still exceptional, and that there’s still hope.
I’ve already lamented that a megalomaniacal narcissistic con-man is our only alternative. Yet, considering Donald Trump’s track record, it’s important to consider a distinct possibility. The possibility that he will hire and delegate his entire role to people much more competent and much more virtuous than himself. I consider this to be pretty encouraging. It’s what he does. He vets people and invests in them, then profits from their success. If that’s what he plans to do as the POTUS I’ll take him over “crooked Hillary” any day. In fact, he has the potential to be the best president in U.S. history if he is the first to rely entirely on his cabinet and pours his pomp and clout into empowering them. That is of course assuming his cabinet is the best and the brightest. In other words, what if Trump is a real-life Professor Harold Hill? It’s possible.
So don’t be ashamed if you vote for Trump this go-round. Even as a devout believer, we’re not voting for a Messiah, we’re voting for a CEO of the USA. Somehow I imagine most of you wouldn’t hesitate to have him on-board with your own business. You’d probably do back-flips if he were willing to vet your executive candidates, and oversee your brainchild business plan. Chairman of the board? Wow, yes please. So if he sits down in the Oval Office and gets to work we could see a lot of actual progress in stark contrast to the racist-greed-and-envy degradation offered by liberal “progressives.” True, we could also see WW3, but we true-believers know how that ends. Don’t feel too bad, he’s like a pinata, it’s hard to be sure exactly what is gonna come outta him. Hillary on the other hand? Well we’ve had plenty of her dog food. Which is why Trump will win, because, who wants a pinata full of dog food but that so-called-sentient chihuahua?
Hillary can only win with widespread voter fraud.