… is paved with good intentions.
In today’s post I will demonstrate why the Democrat party is the party of choice for the godless, and how believers get duped into it.
Let me start by saying that despite my belief that the Democrat party is the anti-God party, that doesn’t mean that I think Jesus was a Republican. In fact, there are some dire contradictions to be found there. However, none so dire as the pro-death party that I affectionately refer to as the “demonic rats”.
The above hopefully will be nearly where the politics ends. The USA’s political atmosphere is terrible. Rhetoric is far too shallow to bother to count at all. So ignoring the sound-bites there is a far more foundational question to ask. Do I just want to sound good, or do I actually want to be good?
M. Scott Peck wrote a fabulous exposé entitled: “People of the Lie” that I cannot possibly do justice in such a short space. In summary, he basically sets out to define evil scientifically and the end result equates varying degrees of evil with varying degrees of narcissism.
At one point in his magnum opus he makes this statement: “While they seem to lack any motivation to be good, they intensely desire to appear good. Their “goodness” is all on a level of pretense. It is, in effect, a lie. That is why they are the “people of the lie”. The wickedness of the evil is not committed directly, but indirectly as a part of this cover-up process.”
I could discuss this book all day, but the above covers the topic of liberal theology adequately. The rhetoric of the Democrat party is exclusively “good intentions.” Let me give some examples of where “it’s the thought that counts” comes into play:
1. Welfare: For the liberal it’s insufficient to simply give to the cause of poverty, instead, and rather than, they vote that others give instead of themselves, especially for those that see themselves as “the poor.” That way they can be incredibly verbal about their supposed “care” for the poor, while costing themselves no actual investment beyond the pretense. It’s a strictly do-as-I-say not-as-I-do proposition. Another magnum opus is Thomas Sowell’s contribution on this matter called: Who Really Cares?
What Jesus had to say: Matthew 23:4: “They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.”
2. Gun Control: another do-as-I-say proposition and not-so-ironically peddled by uber-wealthy elitists that hire their own armed security details with your tax money while preaching about the irresponsibility of allowing private citizens the same privilege. While barely plausible, they still appear to be the ones advocating for peace and non-violence. They are like carnivores that abhor those that know how to process their own meat. As though their hands are clean just because they can afford to hire others to do the menial work of butchering, or packing heat.
What Jesus had to say: Matthew 26:52: “Put your sword back in its place…” or in the words of Jeremiah 6:13-15: “From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, all practice deceit. They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. ‘Peace, peace,’ they say, when there is no peace. Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush.”
3. Abortion: as impossible and implausible as it seems, even the murder of babies has been skewed into a benevolence by “The People of the Lie.” In their twisted worldview of narcissistic “rights” they’ve concocted “the right to choose” in response to modern medicine’s contributions to surgical dismemberment of pre-born infants. To hear one of the demonic rats speak about the high ground of eugenics is to hear Hitler speak of the “infestation” of the Jews. Or Stalin discussing his “collectivisation program.”
What Jesus had to say: John 16:2: “in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God”
The list of hypocrisies is very long, climate, disease control, liberties, but what it all boils down to is narcissism. There was a fork in the road, and one way leads to hell, the other to God. The choice was right out of an Abbott and Costello skit and comes down to: “who’s on first?” If we make ourselves first, then we ourselves become the priority and all of our decisions after that part will amount to varying degrees of narcissism. Even if we’re not demonic rats.
The demonic rats have capitalized on the propensity of humans to put themselves first. The party has stood for this since its inception. Its roots are in greedy slavery, it has gone on to promote abortion, racism, violence, and outright theft all under the guise of “charity.” It is literally and by design, the road to hell.
We must step back and consider the undeniable implication of this. Democrat = Democracy = Majority Rules = Popularity Contest =
Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.“
God help us.