I know it’s Christmas Eve and everyone will be wanting to read something jolly today. If so, please save this for the new year as your thoughts turn to the condition of our world.
In my last podcast I shared a bit about the humanistic and atheistic arrogance of our medical community and as usual I continued to research the statements I made afterward to be sure that I did not mislead. Unlike edits and retractions that I may have to sometimes post, in this case, my mistake was to understate the problem and rather than continue to discuss our nation’s vaccination tower of Babel, I’d like to point out an even bigger lie that some of this is based on. The claim that medical science is to thank for “longer life expectancy.”
In the podcast I described how vaccination results are siloed strategically to hide negative impacts and “cook the books” of public opinion. How victims are simply rearranged under the claim of “greater good” and the benefactors become the only individuals mentioned. The influenza vaccine is especially disturbing since the benefactors gain 3 days of slightly less irritation and the victims can be seriously harmed, even killed.
Many have pointed out in different ways over the years how the life expectancy model is fundamentally flawed. How a human living to 15 in medieval times could be expected to make it well into old age. Further, many of the ailments of today were unheard of then. Bible believers can add on top of that the incredibly long life-spans testified to concerning the patriarchs. However you look at it the conversation on vaccines and life expectancy amount to: “Lies, damned lies, and statistics“.
Even the low fat diet sworn to a few decades ago by our “health professionals” has been proven to cause dementia in various forms. So much for “settled science”, as usual. Yet the comparison I’m about to show you here makes all of the above come across as nothing but an understatement concerning the deadly pompous pride of those that worship at the alter of peer-reviewed “science”.
Here’s the comparison:
1. The claimed life expectancies of a few key nations:
Country | Life Expectancy |
USA | 79 |
China | 75 |
Russia | 69 |
India | 66 |
2. The actual life expectancies of the above nations:
Country | Life Expectancy |
USA | 53 |
China | 64 |
Russia | 17 |
India | 56 |
*note due to unreliable and skewed sources abortion rates (as are any other statistics) used here are inexact.
This is incredibly difficult to believe, so I will start by summarizing that which is already known. The higher rates of life expectancy most often quoted are calculated strategically to include all live births (exclusive of abortion) and include all non-health related deaths ( to keep the USA off of the top of the list). The second problem has been visited ad nauseam during debates concerning nationalized healthcare. We can expect our deceptive leadership to very soon begin to remove non-health related deaths from their statistic to ensure Americans that bankrupting the Country for Health Exchanges was worthwhile.
The first issue, excluding abortion, is rarely mentioned, despite the known fact that primitive life expectancies were almost exclusively low due to infant mortality rates. So herein lies the despicable lie of the medical community in claiming that it has improved life expectancy. Since abortion is a part of our medical community’s technological contribution to life-expectancy what they have actually done is rearranged who gets to live and killed off the others before they entered the statistical pool. So including all medical interventions, and not just the post-birth interventions, brings Russia’s life expectancy to lower than during the worst of the black plague. American life expectancy has declined drastically in the last century, and India and Red China are safer for conceived baby humans than anywhere in the western world.
This life-expectancy-lie of the west is worse than the one described in my recent podcast, making the information I shared there inaccurate only in its understatement of the problem of atheists practicing medicine. I do hope you will forgive my inaccuracy and have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Merry Christmas! This is a unique view and I agree, a fair one. One offensive thing about atheism is how they claim to be all about reality. How believers, specifically Christians, are considered to be irrational. Then, their quotes and claims are so manipulative and bogus that it makes religion itself blush with pity on them and their unfounded faith. I listened to your podcast after reading this. I agree that this point is stronger, but your podcast would be more “moderate” and “sensitive” to different opinions. Which is important these days because when it comes down to people just being plain wrong they will demand respect for their wrongness and insist that your lack of respect equates to their own rightness. That’s how we avoid any unity on topics like this. The atheist religion demands respect the same way “death to the infidels” demands respect. Not because it’s worthy, but because it’s violent.
Thanks JP, that was insightful and thoughtfully written. I’ve emailed out about possibly activating posting for your account. In case you don’t get it I hope you get this. We’d sure appreciate more contributors to get the good word out and to help keep things centered here. Thanks.
Great site. Have bookmarked it. Thanks 🙂