Muhammad was born into the Quraysh tribe roughly 600 years after Jesus, and as such was dedicated to Hu’bal. Notice a familiar word? Baal. Hubal means “the lord”, Al’ilah means “the god” … the crescent moon is the symbol of Hubal who was the “greatest” of 360 baals worshiped in mecca at the time that Muhammed conquered it. Hubal was the “moon god”, and being the principle god of Muhammad’s tribe would have been called “Al’ilah” because Hubal was their highest deity.
Remember what genesis says about the moon? The lesser light that rules over the darkness. Don’t doubt for a second that Islam is Baal worship. What is fascinating is how the OT is written in such a way as to seemingly describe the baals as a single entity. Yet for all of the authors that refer to Baal worship it would have been clear that there were many baals, nearly as many as there were towns. Could it be that they knew all along that all of those baals represented the same thing? That all of them represented “the lord” (Hu’bal) of darkness?
Thousands of years later, in 630 AD, Islam combines all of the baals into one. Muhammed destroyed all of the images, except Hubal’s – the crescent moon. His new religion contextualizes the OT with the baals, Hubal being the most predominate. Fascinating stuff. Also realize that in reality the moon has no light – no glory – of its own. It is only a reflection of the Sun. Much like Lucifer began as a reflection of God the One and Only.
On the flip side of this interesting bit is the diversity of the Christian Church. It is beginning to resemble polytheism. Not so much because of the changes that different eras bring. We’ve now rejected some very bad theology and that is a good thing. However there are so many of these eras that establish arbitrary ideals and reject a lot of what follows. For instance 325 AD (the council of Nicaea and the canon), 1542 (Martin Luther),1611 (The KJV), the Pentecostal movement, Rob Bell…
The only rock we should build our faith on is Jesus. These other events are just snapshots of that faith and what’s really important to recognize is how many of them really represent getting back to where Jesus had us in the first place. Rather than any new or special revelation, many of these movements represent undoing harmful practices. Any “new” reformation, should really be yet another attempt to get back to what Jesus already gave us.
As Ecclesiastes states, nothing is really new under the sun. Men continue to concoct convenient theologies, religions, and cults. Yet one thing will never change. Jesus is the rock. Jesus is unmovable, no matter the misinterpretations, the red letters are enough to dispel the rumors.