Of course, I mean born with specialized XX or XY chromosomes just like everyone else. They are special, just like everyone else.
A human’s gender in 99.95% of live births is a matter of absolute scientific fact from the day of their birth. It is also a matter of scientific fact that human gender does not change, but remains for the duration of ones life. This is a scientific fact for not only humans but virtually all mammals.
Given the above, what do we say about the claim that those that are skeptical of the theories of global warming and vaccine induced herd immunity are “flat-earthers” and should be “criminalized”? If those that doubt such shaky theories are to be mocked and prosecuted, then how much worse should anyone that claims that XX and XY are not the factual determination of ones gender?
See the incredible irony? The absurd double-standard? The violently aggressive cognitive dissonance? The blatant lie that is this gender war?
A blatant lie aimed at our children and hitting them at a time when their own puberty is a confusing emotional roller-coaster, not because their body is confused, but because their individuality, their strengths, their weaknesses, are all expressing themselves like launched fireworks creating a beautiful and unique show that will only happen once in all of history. Only once because there will never be another them.
To obscenely and crassly draw these children into unnatural and anti-scientific discussions about sexuality, especially about orgasms and intercourse, kissing and touching, is downright perverted. A young man or young lady going through puberty needs a parent to encourage them to realize that their body is doing what human bodies have done for thousands of years. Preparing them to be a mother or father. To: “…leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh” – Matthew 19:5
That isn’t an Old Testament rule from Leviticus, that is Jesus talking. He’s not talking about children, he’s talking about “a man”, He’s talking about adults.
The combined forces of the LBGT community being focused on our children represents nothing less than illicit and predatory sexual assault, and someone MUST speak up. Even if Disney were to boycott us, we all must speak up for the sake of the innocence of our children.
forbidden by law, rules, or custom.
The strategy of the cultists of that community – being preoccupied with sex, genitals, and orgasms – is to attempt to redefine the word above. The word illict. Because, if they can do that, then they can – at the relatively benign side of the spectrum – gain forced approval from those that disagree with them. On the malignant side of that same spectrum, they can gain access to your children at younger and younger ages. They push sex induced dopamine highs like any other pusher that wants to get your kid hooked early and often. It’s molestation under the guise of “civil rights.”
Not only do they gain prey, but they also gain power. The more people that join their “cause” the more power they have. The more power, the more prey, the more prey the more power. You see how this goes? Liberty is surrendered through sexual addiction. People, our children, become slaves to the cause of shameless self-indulgence.
While it is the LBGT community that is perpetrating this in an organized way, there’s nothing about the above that is limited to homosexuality. Heterosexuality is every bit as dangerous when used this way. Anyone that wants to promote prurient interest in sex of any kind to children is a pervert, no matter who they have to hide behind.
having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters.
Please don’t underestimate the importance of these matters. The hour is late, and the enemy has advanced in ways that we couldn’t imagine; relying on our fear of peer-pressure and accusations of bigotry. It is not bigotry to resist a sexual predator. We must unite and we must not let a loud minority redefine illicit and prurient things as though we were wild-apes mating at whim. We are more than that, no matter what they believe. Within us is the very image of God, and our bodies are temples that can be filled with HIM. He won’t fill a temple that defiles itself and rejects its nobler purpose in exchange for animalistic instincts.
Instead, encourage a healthy interest in sexual matters. The birds and the bees. The beauty of marital sex for the purpose of procreation. Instead, reject the blatant lies while praying for those trapped in these terrible lifestyles.
In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Beautifully and powerfully said!
If you want to learn more about sexual addiction and how to overcome it, I recommend the Conquer Series. If you think you don’t have a problem, see http://conquerseries.com/sast/
Being gay (attracted to the same sexgender as yourself) is almost certainly biologically based (brain scans of gay individuals showed the same activity when shown same sex pictures as straight individuals did when viewing opposite sex pictures and the inverse held true as well -gay individuals showed little to no activity when viewing opposite sex pictures, the same as straight individuals viewing same sex pictures), but is not about having XX or XY chromosomes as both males and females can and do exhibit same sex attraction.
You are correct, it is biologically based. However, so is any inclination that we choose. Surprise, surprise, brain scans have demonstrated that our brain does indeed play a role in most decisions we make. Brain scans of isolated natives of Papua New Guinea show no desire for a Big Mac, nor would they show any desire for methamphetamines, Budweiser beer, or a white lady in an oddly colored bikini. These desires are programmed into us by the stimulus that we choose. That’s not genetics, it’s conditioning straight out of Romans 1 in the Bible. However XX and XY chromosomes demonstrably and genetically DO dictate which side of the reproductive coin an individual is and cannot be changed by anything the brain does. “Attraction” comes in lots of flavors. The USA is full of individuals that are “attracted” to Big Gulps. Elevating sexual attraction of any sort to some genetically irresistible phenomenon necessitates excusing rape, incest, pedophilia, and pretty much whatever else anyone can claim comes from their brain and the claim that it should be protected behavior, they were of course “born that way.” That does not single out gays in any way, it singles out all behavior, and personal responsibility. We are not mere animals, and if someone else chooses to live like a mere animal they will cross lines that will result in restraint, defense, and even violence.
I think you need to change this post’s title, being gay (attracted to the same sex\gender as yourself) is not about having XX or XY chromosomes, as both men and women can and do exhibit this.
I think you misunderstand the point. XX & XY chromosomes are the genetic things everyone is born with. Nobody is born with sexual attraction any more than they are born with a gambling habit. They don’t even know that they’ll like milk, until they eat, and then discover they like to eat. Our point was to demonstrate the difference between “born that way” and “chose to be”. Just like so many drug addicts say: “I’d never choose to be addicted to meth.” or so many obese individuals: “I’d never choose to be addicted to food.” There are many that say: “I’d never choose to be attracted to someone else’s wife” or “children”, or “put whatever here, because someone has probably done it.” There are even people that are addicted to pain. A man that indulges in heterosexual pornography will lose his ability to be satisfied with his spouse. It is Romans 1, relived a thousand times a day.