If you are reading this you’ll not need help realizing that our nation is in trouble. In fact, we’re just preaching to the choir when it comes to the corruption of our nation’s leadership. They see us as sheep that “can’t handle the truth” so they don’t tell the truth. What I hope is that as you read this post you won’t only let it reinforce what you already know, but that you’ll possibly adjust your strategy for responding to it.
Last week our president made this statement concerning the 2nd amendment:
“…I’ve got people who we know have been on ISIL websites living here in the United States…and we’re allowed to put them on the no-fly list when it comes to airlines, but because of the National Rifle Association, I cannot prohibit those people from buying a gun,” – BHO
Have you noticed how he repeatedly uses the non-standard term ISIL when referring to ISIS? Even ISIS calls themselves ISIS, but referring to them as ISIL is the geographical equivalent to referring the USA as “North America”.
ISIS = Islamic State Iraq Syria.
ISIL = Islamic State Iraq Levant.
What he’s trying to do, by sheer repetition, is to lump Israel in with ISIS. The Levant is the whole region, not just Syria, and despite ISIS rejecting allegiance to all of the Levant, BHO insists on linking them anyway. If Canada attacked China would you appreciate the Chinese saying North America attacked them? There you have it.
Don’t fret over this diabolical anti-Israel warmonger. Our leaders are puppets of the prophecies that are unfolding before us. Our last post dealt pretty specifically with the irrationality of expecting godliness from a worldly leader. Please see this point as just a step in the direction of the conclusion of this article which requires yet a few more steps.
Step 2, from the same quote above,:”who we know have been on ISIL websites.” HOW? How does he know this? Why does he know this? What does “been on ISIL(ISIS) websites” have to do with anything? Where’s the due process? How can anyone claim to know exactly who was on the other end of an internet connection? Even if they could prove that, how can they know why? Even if they could prove all of those things, what if the individual was attempting some strategic sabotage of our enemy? What if some of those “people” that he’s “got” are much more ardent patriots than himself and so disgusted with the condition of the world that they are infiltrating their own version of “Fast & Furious” or any of the innumerable clandestine train-wrecks of the wannabe-omniscient-charlatans in hopes of alerting authorities when they’ve got enough evidence (something BHO apparently doesn’t need?). Why is he able to put anyone on a no-fly-list based on no due process? Here’s a quote from one of those people on that no-fly-list:
“‘I don’t want to be on the list. I want to fly and see my grandma,’ the 4-year-old boy said, according to his mother.”
Welcome to BHO’s America. What other websites does he “know” you’ve been on? Maybe a pro-Trump site? Maybe this one? We know what Lois Lerner did under his guidance with information he gained in these ways. We live in a police state, but don’t fret… Please don’t fall into the trap of just getting angry about the above. One more step to the conclusion and hopefully a persuasive new strategy.
Step 3… Toilets. This same wanna-be-omniscient leadership isn’t just looking to insult Israel. American Christians are on that hit list too. Hence the fact that what was last year a matter for the “privacy of a consenting adult’s bedroom” is now a matter for the public kindergarten restroom in short order. It’s I.S.I.L. all over again. Repeat enough times that homosexuality is now normalized, and it becomes normalized. Repeat enough times that transvestites are not sexually deviant, force grade school kids to answer invented questions about sexual identity (that is already a matter of scientific fact), force schools to open the girls rooms to boys…. things happen. I’ve heard reports from all over the country that whole grades within public schools are proclaiming themselves gay, it’s in style the way bell-bottomed jeans used to be and any parent that dares to claim otherwise are “white privileged bigots” even if they aren’t white!
…in the process of expecting more from our leaders we do seem to be facing a strong temptation to expect less of our brothers and sisters.
Now, hopefully I’ve urged you enough to not fret, to not be fruitlessly enraged. Believers have faced these conditions for millenia. It’s our mistake to expect something different. What do we think, that our constitution has eradicated tyranny and corruption? That somehow man’s sinful nature has been balanced out by a pretty-good union of supposedly-sovereign states? That is pretty arrogant to imagine. Even if the Constitution were originally written by Jesus Himself what we have today doesn’t really represent that. So don’t fret, “it leads only to evil.”
“The Church”, not just random institutional churches but the remnant of true believers, is the only place that we should expect hope. Yet in the process of expecting more from our leaders we do seem to be facing a strong temptation to expect less of our brothers and sisters. This tolerance of sin is dangerous.
There are hundreds (roughly 700) of references to many different Greek and Hebrew words translated “judge” in the Bible. Most of those words represent a crucial discipline, even gift shared by believers. There’s even a whole book called “Judges”, yet well-meaning but spiritually desensitized believers consistently oversimplify and even alienate the concept of judging while celebrating “tolerance” just the way those same corrupt leaders that we oppose demand. We’re complicit because we obey them in this!
Where Jesus clearly warns against hypocrisy, Rob Bell convinces us to accept, even embrace sin (his book “Love Wins” exploits the similarity of English words “love making” and “love” as though sexuality and love were synonymous, this has been discussed ad-nauseam). Where Paul rejects false-teachers, Joel Osteen fills his seats with 10s of thousands of name-it-and-claim-it prosperity gospel adherents. The sort of judging we are to refrain from is condemnation, we cannot know specifically who will be damned, nor can we “damn” anyone. That doesn’t mean we cannot call sin what it is. That kind of judging is necessary to remain set apart from the world at all.
Being outraged by the tyranny of a non-believing leader while shrugging off the desensitization of our institutional churches has things completely backward! It’s time for higher standards among the remnant, it’s time to reject the “don’t judge me” generation and let them build their own relativistic concert halls without contextualizing our fellowships. If you’re part of a church that tolerates everything but good judgment then you’d be better off at home on Sundays. Face that now.
Please consider carefully how we got to this point. We cannot blame satan’s puppets. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the Body of Jesus cannot be defeated. The institutions that represent Jesus cannot be corrupted from the outside. However, the institutions are dropping like flies from corruption within. Welcoming sin as though attendance numbers are the only thing that matters has so distorted Christ’s teachings that many can go years in a pew without ever hearing them.
So consider this. Every time some minion announces yet another attack on your faith, don’t focus your energy and anger on the minion. Judging them is pointless and fruitless. However, judge yourself constantly, and when their repetition of immorality translates into compromise among your local congregation it’s time for the true believers, especially the prophets, to declare: “I will pronounce the judgement that is consistent with the Holy Spirit’s word to us all. We have tolerated too much. We have compromised too much. We must not expect the godless to love light. Rather than shake our heads at the acts of the godless we should shake our heads at our own acts. We are called to higher standards.”
Those who love the light aren’t afraid of the light. The True Remnant covets judgement of our actions, motives, and testimonies. Which is why non-believing minions want so desperately to convince new believers to reject the light, to reject good judgement, and convince others to do the same. If we are one body, then “judge ourselves” means judge each other. It’s necessary, and if you don’t long for this kind of “family” then you may just fear the light.
“However embracing homosexuality because one is afraid to further alienate their wandering child is similar to squelching truth for the sake of attendence. What good does it do to be a building full of people if you’re no longer in Christ?”
Well put.
I think the original quote was “What good does it do to gain the whole world and lose your own soul?”
I have an anecdote that seems to prove your point all around. A small fellowship where the same people whose own children reject their parents’ faith in exchange for drug and homosexual culture, also spend a lot of time and effort evaluating the finer points of other people’s theology. To the point that they reject believers that differ. Those poor parents seem to be trying to make up for their compromises with their kin by being uncompromising with strangers. Sure, bad theology is worth discussing. Those that love the light should covet such debate,. However embracing homosexuality because one is afraid to further alienate their wandering child is similar to squelching truth for the sake of attendence. What good does it do to be a building full of people if you’re no longer in Christ? Please pray that we gain wisdom in this.
Thyatira is our problem. Rev 2:20
Sufferest is translated as “tolerate” in many translations. Tolerance of Jezebel and her godless enticements and fornications has been warned against for 2000 years. Be wary of the slippery slope of tolerance.
Love is needed. It’s the universal solvent. The Principled Love that is God, not some squishy human acceptance–because you don’t want to judge–type of love. The Love that is founded on an unshaken cornerstone. A tried stone.
Hate is too easy, hate is apathetic, hate doesn’t lead to repentance. Separate sin from sinner. Hate the iniquity, but rather Love with a “go and sin no more” mind.
That’s how I’ve been praying to think about these things.