Congratulations America, the Supreme Court justices unanimously believe that receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars because of your public prominence is perfectly legal because (wink-wink), nobody can prove that your actions have been bought. Simultaneously they do not believe that a sovereign state has any right to exercise regulatory oversight to lethal procedures performed by those licensed within their borders. Your drainage ditch can be regulated, but medical procedures cannot? Emperor SCOTUS has spoken.
The irony of the attached image is really incredible. The site is called “conservatives are destroying our future”. Incredible. From a secular perspective what sort of vile arrogance must one have to believe that the values that made America great are contemptible enough to “destroy America?”
I was asked to define my “conservatism” last week and I described it this way:
“I’m not closed minded or clueless, I know a lot about technology, I read new theories and I have never supported blood-letting or witch burning. The theory I don’t buy is that my parents and grandparents were always wrong, backward, or stupid. They may not have been perfect, but it’s pretty darn arrogant to think that I am [perfect].
As a Christian I want to conserve the values of prior generations because I frankly know enough to know that we, as a society, aren’t very ethical. In fact the motivating factor for far too many is greed and self-indulgence.
As a scientist, I have empirical evidence of the results of our founding fathers’ philosophies. There is no question that their ideas encouraged and facilitated life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I also have empirical evidence that historical attempts to replace ‘pursuit of happiness’ with ‘guarantee of happiness’ has consistently destroyed even the largest nations. Therefore, yes I oppose ‘progress’ as defined by so-called ‘progressives’ because I do not see their ideas as progress at all. They appear to be hell-bent on making the same mistakes that caused our founders to secede from England and our nation to be formed in the first place. Tyranny, oppression, control.
If they’re so sure this stuff will work for everyone why don’t they turn California into a Utopia and provide the rest of us with empirical evidence to act on? They have tried, they fail, and they blame those of us that didn’t jump in the petri dish with them. That’s how conceited they are. California isn’t a Utopia yet because: ‘Arizona’. A person doesn’t have to be ‘backward’ or ‘ignorant’ to see the stupidity of signing up themselves and their children to these theoretical experiments. The Federal government is overreaching anywhere and everywhere that it can, because they really do believe that it’s Arizona’s fault that California has ruined its farmers with their over-regulation. They think: ‘If only we controlled everyone, then this self-worship would work.’ They really believe that, I don’t, that’s my conservatism.”
Consistent with many other recent posts I declare yet again, what else should we expect from the SCOTUS? Should we expect them to declare Biblical Truths or humanistic relativism? When a spade acts like a spade, should we be angry? Without ‘progress’ives there would be no reason to keep writing laws faster than society can learn them.
Abortion “must” be protected because unborn babies aren’t really babies (wink-wink). Taking money for favors while employed by society is perfectly fine because (wink-wink) it doesn’t affect our decisions. If this is the “highest court in the land” what do you think is happening in the lower courts, every day, all around you? More laws, more government, more power, more greed, more corruption. Our injustice system is producing more injustice today than it did yesterday. This is not progress. This is a death march under the same old banner: “Utopia or Bust.”
PPH just gave the DNC 20 million dollars in support.
Ironically this is the same group that states having to abide by cleanliness and medical standards set by the State of Texas will put an “undue burden on a woman’s right to an abortion”.
What they mean is that it cuts into their profit margin.
How is that even legal? They take millions from taxpayers and launder it to the DNC? It reminds me of some spam emails I’ve gotten from Nigeria.