Cain killed Abel and this envy and hatred has been rampant ever since.
Last year I wrote an article that touched on the story of Cain and Abel and how it applies to the battle unfolding in modern times. Recent events continue to confirm that side-note from my post last year and merit further elaboration.
It’s no surprise to any believer that the 1st commandment is meaningless to atheists and agnostics alike. Putting God first is a value that is exclusive to believers, but what our atheistic society fails to realize is that without the first all of the rest become conveniences rather than ways of life. Even the 6th (don’t murder). Despite their claims, atheistic objective morality is a contradictory concept that is impossible to reconcile. While I’ve already dealt with the irrational concept of atheistic objective morality, I haven’t dealt with the implications of it.
“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” – Matthew 22:36-40 (emphasis mine)
Look carefully above, Jesus explicitly declared that without the 1st and 2nd commandments none of the others have any support. No matter what lines we’re fed by the godless, the 1st is the greatest and it leads to the 2nd, and the 2 of those lead to all of the rest. Nobody can claim to follow Jesus without acknowledging this. Without God at the foundation of laws, the laws are meaningless as we too often see from people who claim to be moral except for the days they decide not to be. Like when a gunman opens fire on complete strangers for no other reason than hate. History has shown that the only morality that atheism demonstrates comes at the end of a gun.
Modern leaders try to assert the value of the 6th commandment while disregarding the 1st commandment. It’s very clear why our founding fathers failed to legislate the 1st commandment, but legislated the 6th as well as many others. They were “politically correct” on the topic of religion and after having witnessed the cruelty and tyranny of a “state church” (another contradiction in terms) had no desire to build another “state church.” This wasn’t a mistake on their part, God grants liberty of worship to every person. The mistake was the government itself. God laid out His best scenario for human governance and His “judges” were a core component that has been ignored altogether. Practical leadership consists of the weak & feeble following the strong and wise in humility for the betterment of everyone. From the macro-level to the micro-level, those who demonstrate God-given gifts of character and leadership are the ones we should be following for the betterment of all.
Unfortunately, from the very beginning, rather than follow Abel, Cain killed Abel. Abel was clearly a man of character who overflowed with God’s blessings. The blessings that come from a man like Able … I mean Abel, are enough to provide for many people. When Abel sacrificed his best lamb he was only giving back the best of many amazing things that he wouldn’t have had if not for the blessings. When the whole world consisted of Cain & Abel, Abel should have been in charge, and if Cain had a moment of honesty he’d have to admit that. Instead, as is rampant today, Cain chose covetousness rather than admiration. Rather than seeing that Abel was a role-model that he should follow to achieve a better life, Cain saw him as an enemy to be killed, robbed, and plundered. Don’t doubt for a second that even some that you call friends see you the same way that Cain saw Abel. For every kind thing you do they want to steal, kill, and destroy you all the more. Those who do not honor the 1st & 2nd commandments are doomed to this fate – this hate.
“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them.” – Luke 6:32
Of course atheists love anyone that agrees with them! Of course the godless smile, revel, and even share with their like-minded neighbors! Why wouldn’t they? Of course they seem kind when viewed amongst themselves. So do a pack of wild wolves. The difference can be seen when the pack of wolves come in contact with a herd of sheep. When viewed separately they both seem to be a sustainable society, but if the two intermingle, then the in-sustainability becomes evident very quickly. The sheep pose no threat to the wolves, but the wolves pose a threat to the sheep. The children of satan, much like wolves, would starve to death if they did not kill the children of God. Unlike God’s children, who “live on every word that comes from Him” the evil of the world live to devour others, even each-other if no other victim presents itself. So long as they exist they will make victims out of others.
This was apparent from the very first brothers to be born on this planet. So persecution will and must come. It’s inevitable. Just because a day, week, month, or year pass where we get a breather the wolves cannot stave off their hunger for long. The unavoidable consequence of atheism is victimization, as has been proven by the systematic mass murder by atheist leaders throughout the world through all of history. Even those such as Hitler – who claimed to believe in God – proved their atheism by their actions. Of course he couldn’t abide by the 6th commandment, he didn’t abide by the 1st, or the 2nd. He was no believer. Only believers know the sustainable way of life. If the world were full of believers it would be possible, but it’s not and the Bible only relays the inevitable. “There will be terrible times in the last days” because it is a fact that not everyone obeys the 1st commandment and without that none of the others mean anything to them.
Of course nobody wants someone to steal from them, or to kill them, or to covet their wife, but those who skip the 1st and 2nd commandment don’t mind doing those same things to others. An unbeliever (a tree of bad fruit) is so obvious as soon as they demand from others what they’d never give themselves, or do to others what they’d hate others for doing to them. That’s the signature of satan.
Our society is thoroughly corrupt. Rather than godly “judges” we have elected quite the opposite. Most idolize government and set themselves up as gods. In a list of all of the people you know of upstanding and incorruptible character how many of those are politicians? How about leaders at all? You see, our democratic ideals lend themselves to the power hungry being the ones willing to sell-out for the votes that give them power. While those of character are far too humble to even participate in such a contest. To do so would be to have accepted satan’s temptation. We’ve essentially disqualified the prophets and judges from leadership at every level of society, even within our churches. Why? Because, Cain killed Abel.
I savour, cause I discovered just what I used to be having a look for. You have ended my four day lengthy hunt! God Bless you man. Have a great day. Bye