The Danger of Deceptive Postur …

That position is called "the locust". She makes it look so easy, so comfortable. Perhaps she could do that all day? It's fitting that yoga…

When anger=sin…

When anger=sin it becomes utmostly important to never appear frustrated so... When anger=sin we only speak about sin to others and not the one we…

“You ain’t Him! …

In my 20 years of actively participating in churches, everything from "youth worker" at 18, to "youth pastor" at 20, to "worship leader", to "missionary"...…

Putting the Con in Confidence.

The con in the word "conman" comes from the word "condfidence". As we have come to recognize it today, cons are liars who are out to exploit…
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"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it."
-Matthew 7:13

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