He’s Always There, it …

Can you believe we've been in the 21st century for nearly 20 years? It's amazing how much things have changed, but what's probably more amazing…


Happy Independence Day. This post will serve as a brief indulgence as I geek-out yet again on science. If this isn't your cup-a-tea please spare…

Your SCOTUS loves money and ha …

Congratulations America, the Supreme Court justices unanimously believe that receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars because of your public prominence is perfectly legal because (wink-wink),…

Most Gays Are Born That Way

Of course, I mean born with specialized XX or XY chromosomes just like everyone else. They are special, just like everyone else. A human's gender in…

The Problem With The Gravity W …

In a recent post we discussed some problems with information age science. Specifically, that via electronic peer-pressure we have all but eradicated the scientific method…

“Editing” Embryos, …

The HFEA (Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority) in the UK has opened Pandora's Box further than ever by authorizing human fetus mutilation via the CRISPR/Cas9…

The Bottom of the Downward Spi …

More evidence of the steep end-times downward spiral appears every day. The character of human beings has been shipwrecked. There isn't much time left. Maybe…

21st Century Atheist Faith � …

This article is written exclusively to creationists. Specifically, creationists who read more than a few sentences at a time. The assumptions (belief, faith, even trust)…

The Life Expectancy Lie

I know it's Christmas Eve and everyone will be wanting to read something jolly today. If so, please save this for the new year as…

Coexist With Atheists?

Ryan shares a modern disparity between light and darkness. From 2 Corinthians 6:14 and Amos 3:3. This is a pod-cast so click below to play.
Are you Christ's remnant?

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"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it."
-Matthew 7:13

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