Europe helped produce The DonaldDear Europe, Don’t like Donald Trump? Then you shouldn’t have helped make him.

Happy New Year 2016 Europe!

Of course I don’t expect you to take any credit for this, but you should. At least a bit. You sure hated Bush didn’t you? You hated him so much that you awarded your messianic “anti-Bush” an unearned Nobel Prize. Claiming: “We have not given the prize for what may happen in the future. We are awarding Obama for what he has done in the past year. And we are hoping this may contribute a little bit for what he is trying to do…

Like arrogant socialist governments are prone to do, you attempted to socially engineer part of an election that you otherwise would have no influence in. You dismissed “the colonies'” culture and values much like your monarchs of old and insulted many of the actually noble and deserving nominees in your bee-line to turn a golden coin into an orange carrot to be dangled in the face of what you perceived to be a mindless ass. We the People of the “colonies” as you call us.

Yet, here we are, coming up on the 8th year of a grand social experiment and it turns out your arrogance doesn’t work any better here than it does there. Your social engineering has only again proven that: “The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.” Your messiah has wreaked so much havoc on our health care system and economy that We the People are manic. I’ve debated this point for months and the fact is, American citizens en-masse are now so fed up with anti-capitalism that we believe we need a mega-capitalist to counterbalance the abuses your savior has heaped upon us. Yes Europe, you had it to do over and you again created a Revolution and his name is Donald Trump.

I’ve known your ilk, and I empathize with your pain. As you socialized your own countries into global irrelevance you became tormented by America’s influence. Your pride was constantly offended by American movies and American money, America this, America that… Oh the agony. I hear ya… Frankly, I’d be perturbed if I were you as well. When our elections mean more to you than your own you’ve truly come to a new low for a collection of ancient and previously great nations. Now you have so much less inspiring priorities. Like trying to prop up perpetually retired countries like Greece, or trying to assimilate millions of refugees – perhaps to do the jobs that your young adults will not? Oh the horror.

Still you haven’t learned. In stubborn arrogance once you could no longer claim prosperity or influence you retreat to your perceived moral high ground, yet how can you continue to fool yourselves? Your policies only serve yourselves and it shows. Your narcissistic humanism disguised as morality is not America’s fault, you have nobody to blame but yourselves.

Now, America can’t blame you for our elections, you’re not relevant enough to earn such blame. We’ll just correct, perhaps over-correct. That’s the beauty and curse of democracy. Just remember this as the chips fall where they may. We the People are no longer your subjects.

I recognize the basis of your fear. Atheist governments cannot tame the wind and waves, yet you want desperately to believe they can. No amount of human rationale ever has, nor ever will, bring salvation.  The wind and the waves still obey only One and Jesus is the only true King & even His kingdom is not of this world.  So for you whose only world is this world, fear is all you are left with. Fear of Bush, fear of Trump.. fear of Americans.

God bless ya, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and cheers mates. Look at the bright side. At least now you can stop being disappointed with your own politician of choice and just despise the guy right from the start. You did hear that Putin likes him right? Wow… just wow.

You already voted!