Daniel Prophesied the End
We’ve already discussed the distinct possibility that 1844 marked the beginning of the end times.  In Daniel 12 the “sealing” of his prophecy includes this curious statement: “Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.” Further, we discussed the relative cowardice of many claiming to be Christian. The information age has brought with it some other curious dates.

Revelation 13:5 says: “The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months.” It is almost certain that “months”, “days”, and even “years” in prophetic writings are symbolic of time, but not specific. Some even call themselves “days of years” which becomes part of the “Daniel math” that landed on 1844 as mentioned previously.  So if we accept that the 42 months may actually be 42 years, then two other information-age inventions rise “out of the sea”.

While the telegraph carried it’s first signals in 1844 the television was invented in 1927 and the internet in 1969. Yes, 42 years later. Revelation goes on to point out that: “It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak…

If the telegraph marked the beginning of the end-times, and television is aligned with the first beast  that “all inhabitants of the earth will worship“, and the internet is interpreted as the “image of the beast” that comes 42 years after, what if 666 is the unholy trinity of the first beast, the image of the beast, and the second beast?

telecom bundles = 666?

Telephone, Television, and Internet? 666? What if we’ve been staring at 666 for years now, right before our eyes in every telecom bundled product that is available? Could this be the “unholy trinity”? Could the only event remaining be the unification of these “beasts” under the control of a man that represents a world government? It seems plausible.

The “powers” that are predicted about these beasts could not have been fathomed by John or Daniel. Yet today, the idea that nobody can buy or sell without “the mark”, is entirely plausible and even likely. There’s sure no shortage of entrepreneurs that would make the leap tomorrow if they could get away with it. The technology is now available, thanks to the “beasts”.

Whether this explanation proves to be accurate or not, there is no doubt that for some these “beasts” have become objects of intense worship. Even the most demanding cult demon could only dream of the devotion that is given to cell phones, cable tv, and the internet. For believers trapped in this snare, this amounts to idolatry. Idolatry and worship of an image that can talk!

1 Corinthians 12:2 says: “You know that when you were pagans, somehow or other you were influenced and led astray to mute idols.” Yet, the pagan idols of today actually speak! So how much more devastating will the desolation they cause be?

Isaiah 2:8 warns: “Their land is full of idols; they bow down to the work of their hands, to what their fingers have made.” Just because TVs “talk” doesn’t mean they are any less made by man than the carvings of old. What it does mean, is that even Christians are at risk of being deceived by them. How many believers consult Google prior to making decisions? Seems innocuous enough doesn’t it? Perhaps even wise “due diligence”? Yet who of us can claim to grant the same allegiance to God Himself in prayer?

Here I am, typing away at an article to publish on the internet after having researched on the internet about these things. Am I some kind of hypocrite? Probably some would make that case. Yet here is where we really should take care to note the difference between creating a “tool” and creating an “idol”. Nowhere in the Bible is making a winnowing fork, or an ox cart, considered evil or idolatrous. It’s when humans fail to honor God and in their doubtful atheism toward Him they create their own objects of worship and use those to fill the hole that is only meant to be filled by Him. Everyone worships something.

The worship of telecommunications is unprecedented. 75% of the world has a mobile phone. 40% internet. Only 32.4% even claim to be Christian. If those don’t look like “end-times” statistics, I don’t know what would. To accomplish this the “church of telecom” would have to win more converts daily than all religions combined. Remember, unless one is a benefactor of our esteemed POTUS’ free cell phone program, most of those 75% have to pay monthly to use it. So they aren’t just “professing” telecom-ers. They are devout telcom-ers.

I’m obviously a “devout telecom-er” by that definition, and so are you. Not everyone worships this beast, not yet anyway. Yet many do, even many that don’t want to. I’ll confess, I’m distracted by it far too often. I give it too much credence, and nowadays I’m still convinced that if I weed through the lies I can find lots of “good” and “important” info. I welcome accusations of hypocrisy here, please cast stones if it seems right to you. Yet all I hope to convey here is a healthy respect and caution. Revelation seems to convey that use of telecom will become more & more controlled going forward. That those who do not worship voluntarily will at some point be forced to. We should prepare our children for these inevitabilities. I for one will be sharing the similarities of today’s devotion to internet websites and phone apps to ancient “household idols”, Achan’s sin, and the evil slave-drivers that even the remnant can be tempted by.

Even if Jesus returns after a more literal manifestation of a “beast from the sea” and the above interpretation proves to be incorrect, I doubt any of the remnant could disagree that technological advancement demands theological vigilance. The internet contains more evils than just “dirty pictures” and we believers need the “helmet of salvation” & renewed minds as much now as ever we did.  Please pass this on, or even cast stones in the comments below. One of us will try to answer personally.

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