separate church and state
I’ll get right to it. Accepting tax breaks from the government makes an institution regulated by the state, including your church. A church regulated by the state is by definition a state church. Real Christian churches should not be regulated by the state.

The average laity may not realize it, but in the average American church the message that’s preached has regulations.  Specifically, they can and do lose their tax exempt status if they say anything good or bad about a political candidate. They can actually lose it for saying anything good or bad about almost anything at all actually.

That’s not all – it never is. Perhaps more devastating than this, is the fact that because of some of the more ambiguous rules a large majority of those same churches that have their sermons regulated also no longer manage accounting for their own sent missionaries (a practice that is anemic these days, unless we include the ultra-short, ultra-expensive, ultra-convenient, great-adventure-sight-seeing-vacation sort). Again, for fear of losing their tax exempt status they delegate this to other government regulated institutions called “para-church” agencies or “sending” organizations. And of course more regulation.

Like a gift that keeps on giving there’s still more. Those donors who are trusting their “tithe” to regulated pastors (or whatever your church calls them) who are now only able to use that tithe on regulated causes. Those donors are also regulated! They need to report it all to the IRS to get “their” tax deduction.

You’ve got that right, not only does the IRS (remember Lois Lerner?) know exactly who you donate to, but they choose who you are allowed to donate to!

Now, the solution to this problem is easy. Stop taking advantage of tax-exempt status & the tax deductions that go with it.

I wonder how many of these state churches would do things differently if they were not regulated? I wonder how long before not permitting same-sex marriage will result in loss of tax-exempt status? I really wonder why real churches ever accepted this intrusion in the first place!?!

OK, I don’t really wonder about any of those things. Working backwards, they did it in the first place, because of money. The government will intrude further as soon as at it can get away with it, which will depend heavily on the 2016 elections. Finally, I honestly don’t believe Christians would have surrendered marriage & traditional families had they not been so reliant on the government. The church/state partnership has existed for as long as The Church has existed and in all of those years it has NEVER gone well for true-believers. It has consistently split allegiances and attracted the power hungry rather than the power-filled.

Of course we may never know what would happen if the churches of America trusted God more than government. The consequences of that decision are so vast it’s impossible to even guess. I’ve personally had that decision affect me and my family in at least a dozen different ways. The regulation is so complicated and interpreted in so many different ways that large portions of elders meetings, mission committee meetings, and planning meetings are dedicated to how best to appease the almighty tax-exempt status. Dissenting elders try to play the tax-exempt trump card almost as often as they proof-text their pet decision. How many layers can come between these groups and the Holy Spirit before the Holy Spirit becomes entirely irrelevant?

The fact is, there are plenty of barriers between an individual and hearing God. Every desire acts against our own discernment. This problem only gets exacerbated when we combine a bunch of individuals. Mix in money and Uncle Sam and it’s virtually impossible for those things to do anything but fail, and fail miserably.

I am hopeful that: “Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues– (Revelation 18:4) does not mean every American church, but it’s hard to be sure. As hard as it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven, as impossible as it is to serve two masters, so it is for a human institution to represent Christ’s body. If that’s true, then what church could ever be good?

What is impossible with man is possible with God.” – Luke 18:27

More Spirit & Truth believers is what our Father wants, not more “temples” of concrete, but if we must have a concrete temple, we should not willingly subject it to IRS regulations for a few pieces of silver. Please, let us know if you attend one of the few churches in the nation that reject government  regulation. One of the few American “underground” churches. I’ve heard about a few and I’d really like to know how yours is doing and what difference the liberty makes in the comments below.

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