Embryo Mutilation Ethnic CleansingThe HFEA (Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority) in the UK has opened Pandora’s Box further than ever by authorizing human fetus mutilation via the CRISPR/Cas9 process in a race between science and morality as though the two must necessarily be mutually exclusive. 2016 is really set to be a horror show – as we know – nowadays science always “wins” that race.

We already know that ethnic cleansing has become socially acceptable via abortion, so long as one or two in a hundred of those abortions “save” an adult life. Now, the UK is racing to be first to unprecedentedly early intervention of unwanted babies.  Before “defective” humans can cause any more inconvenience to the busy Utopian lives of their socialist citizens, scientists in the UK will be “correcting” the “haphazard” work of nature. Creationists have been thoroughly excluded from the conversation concerning the sanctity of a living human fetus. Those baby humans will now be treated with the same disrespect as lab-rats and monkeys. What else could we expect, considering that those making these decisions believe themselves to be monkeys.

As Biblical prophecy unfolds before us it’s disturbing how inevitable this process is. Everyone knows the Holocaust was evil, the genocides around Africa, even street dogs in India get all kinds of attention. People are even declaring war on viruses and disease in remote Countries in hopes of “bettering lives.” Yet for those same people – once our Heavenly Father is removed from the equation – they can so easily rationalize the mutilation of baby humans in order to provide “society” with better vaccines and longer lives. It’s so inevitable because human evil is so inevitable.

At this point, I’m at a loss, so I’ll just quote Jesus:

“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.– Revelation 22:12




sanders 666News Flash: The man of lawlessness revealed. You saw it here first! (kidding, but promise, we only added the arrow)


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