corrupt justiceFor those that have spent any time in a third world Country, the realities of corruption are obvious. What’s not obvious is how developed Countries develop more than just their infrastructures. They also develop their corruption practices.

The developed Countries are so advanced that they can achieve corruption on a scale that third world tyrants can only dream of. One critical part of this is the ridicule of “conspiracy theorists”. Did you know that “conspiracy theory” became synonymous with paranoia during Watergate? That WAS a conspiracy, it WAS true, but thereafter, anyone that spotted such corruption was labeled a quack.

In the third world there is very little pretense of justice. If you want a permit to do something, you’ll have to sweeten the pot with a bribe. If you need a visa renewal you’ll have to choose: 20000฿ and a whole day to leave the Country and return, or 10000฿ in an official’s pocket and move on with your life, all administered by said official’s minions.

The relative smallness of the corruption in the third-world is not readily apparent given the blatant exercise thereof. It is widespread, and rampant, and therefore appears to be “worse” than American corruption, but it’s small potatoes compared to the savvy of American corruption. Corruption that is seldom so blatant as “it depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”

“Plausible deniability” even “implausible deniability” are sufficient to dispel investigations for most of an American politician’s career. Deniability, deny, deny deny, it’s all the strategy any of them need. What’s somewhat ironic is that in a different, more ideal world it would be unreasonable to assume that a very politically convenient death of a Supreme Court justice may be murder; it would be unreasonable to assume that our own Secretary of State was smuggling arms out of Libya and into Syria or mishandling classified data. In that world it would be unreasonable to think that a sitting POTUS would be behind illegal wiretaps and theft. Yet, despite the undeniable fact that this is NOT that world, we almost daily hear it repeated that such “conspiracy theories” are unreasonable.

In fact, the “reasonable” conspiracy theory today is that the GOP are obstructionists to not confirm a SCOTUS pick in an election year, despite both Obama and Biden taking the “obstructionist” position when the shoe was on the other foot. Yesterday, the “reasonable” conspiracy theory was that the Benghazi and Private Email Server investigations are nothing-more-than an organized partisan attack. If you believe that I imagine you also believe that there’s “not a smidgen” of impropriety going on at the IRS either.

The fact is, justice is dead, and that death has been a foregone conclusion. How can the balance of power remain intact when one man appoints his own accountability in the DOJ?

no justice no peace
Our politicians are experts at finding loopholes in the balance of power. Whether it’s executive action or presidential pardons, there is “not a smidgen” of actual justice to be found in the federal courts and not much more to be found in state courts. In a nation where ranchers are terrorists and the occupants of Gitmo are guests, what is the point of listening to a word these people say?

In a nation where ranchers are terrorists and the occupants of Gitmo are guests, what is the point of listening to a word these people say?

At the state level, average citizens are guilty until they come up with enough money to “prove” themselves innocent by taking a gigantic  -and very expensive – gamble with a jury of so-called “peers.” Peers that care more about the defendant’s relative wealth, relative race, and relative attractiveness than really anything that resembles facts. My sister has a great story about sitting on a jury of “peers” who all declared: “he’s rich, he can afford it.”

I hope this post will do two things. Firstly, I hope you will realize that this side of heaven, everything is corrupt, even America. The more ungodly our leaders, the more relativistic their so-called justice. The second: conspiracy theorists would only be “quacks” if they were in a different place, and a different time. If they hadn’t already witnessed so many similar things, then sure, they’d be irrational, but as it stands, they really aren’t. In fact, they often may be more rational than the deniers. “Sure, it’s entirely rational to believe that so much trouble went into hiding Barry Sotelo’s academic records because he’s just ‘modest’ wink, wink.”

We should all save ourselves a lot of annoyance and just stop looking for any justice from our injustice department. It’s headed by a woman that will do everything in her power to make her boss happy, and no, her boss is NOT We the People. Not remotely.

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