Happy Independence Day. This post will serve as a brief indulgence as I geek-out yet again on science. If this isn’t your cup-a-tea please spare yourself the agony, put down your “smart” phone, and get to the yard work and grill scraping. I’ll be right behind you.

21st century idolatry, science worship
Above pictured is Poussin’s rendition of worshiping the golden calf. Look at them celebrate and revel in the self-assurance that comes from having made ones own god with ones own hands. Beware, our 21st century golden-calves are far more offensive and destructive than the one the Israelites erected in the desert. The manufactured and temporary perspective of the above revelers has nothing on what our globalized technological machine has produced for us. Manufactured, because idols are by definition man-made, and temporary because they never live up to their exaggerated billing.Just ask those fleeing their homes in California how they feel about our firefighting technology just now.

The wind and the waves, fires, earthquakes, they simply don’t obey idols. If we were really so “technologically advanced” how is it we can’t just extinguish that fire? If we can’t extinguish that relatively small fire how is it that we really believe we can “adjust the global thermostat”? How is it that we strain our best optical technology to collect a few photons of light from a distant star and then proceed to claim to know what that “exoplanet” looks like? Simple, it’s the “pride of life” and those that ascribe to it will be militantly offended if anyone questions the fantasies that are passing for science these days. Even if they are as absurd as this:


“For everything in the world–the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life–comes not from the Father but from the world.” – 1 John 2:16

The “pride of life” is a vague concept for us today, but for thousands of years subsistence cultures have had no trouble understanding what it is. From their humble perspective they knew a few rich and tyrannical masters that expressed that pride because of their own arrogance and belief that they were self-made and indestructible. The reason the concept is vague to us is because most of us are just  like those rich and deluded. Society encourages – no, demands – that we be just like this.

Science & technology is itself an “abomination that causes desolation” under the guise of higher standards of living and longer lifespans. Who can argue with decreased “infant mortality rates” in which the only babies that are dying are the ones that are “chosen” for death? I already wrote about that though. The ancient demon Moloch had nothing on modern “science.”

What technology has provided is an exchange. One that Jesus warned us not to make in Matthew 16:26:

“What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?”

I will be the first to point out that technology is just a tool, but so are guns, missiles, bombs. Even alcohol can be a “tool”:

“Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.” – 1 Timothy 5:23

Yet this tool that I’ve spent my entire 20+ year career using and abusing is undoubtedly an abomination that causes desolation and one need look no further than Facebook or Twitter to realize it:

a·bom·i·na·tion əˌbäməˈnāSH(ə)n
noun  1. a thing that causes disgust or hatred.

noun 1. a state of complete emptiness or destruction.

“A thing that causes disgust or hatred and a state of complete emptiness or destruction.” That’s what technology is, because technology destroys the soul of mankind. Should we fear technology? No, we need only fear God. However, recognize that technology is trying to brainwash us. Already the world is filling up with so many egotists that there are serious attempts being made to outlaw disagreement with all sorts of theories and the framework is already established to perpetrate even larger defacto litigation. Psalm 115:5 warns about idols that “have mouths, but cannot speak, eyes, but cannot see” but our technology seemingly has both and CAN USE THEM!

It sounds preposterous but global warming is a precursor to global atheism and it all has to do with perspective. There’s a reason that atheism eats up scientific theories – no matter how absurd – like candy. The spiritually dead find their spirituality elsewhere. Some find it in a bottle of aptly named: “spirits”, others in pills, and others in the complexity and narcissism of intellectualism. They’re all looking for meaning in places where it cannot be found as Ecclesiastes (the whole book) so clearly explains and as Daniel warned. Knowledge “is power” or so they say, and those that reject God are looking for exactly that. Power.

Underneath all of the pretense they feel powerless if they are not taking control of something. It’s the very sin of lucifer himself repeating again and again in the hearts of the lost goats. So they must grasp desperately and fanatically onto something to make them feel in control. If you are skeptical of global warming you are a threat to their very existence. If you raise an eyebrow when they tell you all they “know” about the meaning of barely detectable blinks of distant stars they vehemently attack. God forbid you mention God. They’ll have a stroke!

We dismantle their religion when we point out that gravity waves may not have been detected by LIGO, or that we have alternate theories about the mysterious drag that the Pioneer probes experience, that comets probably aren’t “dirty snowballs”, that there is no “god particle”…

Now I warned you this would turn into a “geek-out” session.  The Higgs boson is an incredibly ironic lesson on the faith of atheists. Get this, atheists “believe” in the Higgs boson because – oh you’ll love this one – because while they haven’t actually observed it, but because they’ve observed the effects of it! Love how they call it “the god particle”? Me too.

Geek-out level 2… The Higgs boson is supposed to “give mass” to everything that has mass. Oh God has an incredibly sense of humor! Ever since Sir Isaac Newton discovered that apples fall from trees (yes, he discovered it, not Adam, not Eve, not the millions of other people who just took it for granted) science has been completely confounded as to why/how gravity happens. They understand what it does, but NOBODY knows why or how. It’s so mysterious that Einstein came up with a fantastic absurdity to describe it by making time and distance into physical properties instead of the mere measurements that they are and intellectual atheists have been worshiping at that alter ever since.

Don’t get me wrong, Newton’s formulas are incredibly useful tools, but Newton didn’t explain the how or why of anything, he only described the what in a mathematical way that was far more useful than  the narratives others used to describe these things. I’m a huge fan of Newton, even posted recently about his faith and how he used those same math skills to predict that Jesus would come back no later than 2060. However, he’s no priest and his formulas are no religion. He looked at creation and described what he saw in a unique way.

Ok, toning back the “geek” don’t you see what’s happening? These people are desperate and afraid. They’ve seized Christian figures like Newton and Galileo and used them the way Islam uses the name of Jesus. In vain, to support their false religion. They are desperate and afraid because for more than 300 years they’ve actually learned very little. Without geeking out on you again, rest assured your smartphone, your car, your furnace and electrical systems, they all work on principles that have been around for many centuries. A goto claim is that GPS wouldn’t be possible without relativity theory, but that is not true at all. Whatever the real reason for the absurdly small deviation between sub-atomic motion in space vs. that on earth I can assure you that Newton would have had no trouble accounting for it with a coefficient and no need for an elaborate fantasy to explain it.

It’s that lack of need for an elaborate fantasy that proves he was a believer in the one true God.

It’s that lack of need for an elaborate fantasy that proves he was a believer in the one true God. It is faith in God that frees us to not be afraid of the unknown and it’s that same faith that keeps us from being deceived by elaborate philosophies and deceptions. As the atheists continue to be unfulfilled by their fantasies they will continue to berate anyone that doesn’t buy what they’re selling. Even if we gave them all of our resource to fight their invented enemy of AGW (man-made global warming) they would return with a demand that we die for the good of humanity. I’m not sure if Moloch has grown older, stronger, smarter, or there’s some new demon they worship, but I am sure they worship their own pride, their own arrogance and are driven by their desperate emptiness and fear.

They are driven to force you to believe the lies they believe. They are driven to despise everything you believe. They are willing to give their lives for this cause. The more I learn about their theories, and especially the evidence they base these theories on, the more I realize where this is going. If we were to give everything to their fatwa of “global warming” and then even give our children to their jihad against “overpopulation” (as far too many have) they still would not be satisfied. They won’t be satisfied until they declare that there is no god and all of society accepts it because they said so. That’s what they really want. That is the ultimate power. To no longer even pretend to prove things, but to just say it and everyone have no choice but to believe.

1984, Brave New World, North Korea… Don’t believe it can happen to you? It can’t if you’re a true believer, but it will and is happening all around you and me. People are forfeiting their souls for far less than “the whole world.” Arrogant pride-of-life perspectives create and embolden 21st century demons of ancient and unfathomable evil. The end is near.

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