Jezebel + Ahab = Fail

There's a saying that The Church cannot be destroyed from the outside. The point being that if it fails, it fails from the inside. I've…

3 Things Christians Needed to …

1. Atheism IS a religion. The reason atheists get their priorities enforced by the government, despite being a loud minority, is because they claim to…

A Response to Bibliolatry

On 4/14 at 7:07 AM Jeff wrote in response to the 96 Theses statement: “Again: Why are Paul’s miscellaneous and often random organizational precepts, which…

Pop-Christianity vs. Jesus

On the right is one of the many pop-Christianity memes and themes of the 21st century.  Moral relativism can and is "simmering" into mainstream "orthodoxy"…

Most American churches are Sta …

I'll get right to it. Accepting tax breaks from the government makes an institution regulated by the state, including your church. A church regulated by…

Coexist With Atheists?

Ryan shares a modern disparity between light and darkness. From 2 Corinthians 6:14 and Amos 3:3. This is a pod-cast so click below to play.

Church or Kingdom?

Jesus only said the word Ekklēsia translated as "church" twice in all of the New Testament. Once in Matthew 16:15-19 and again in Matthew 18:17.…

Sabbath Day

As my family worshiped with music this morning I heard something new to me. As the music peaked and dipped, each progression building and building to an…

A Christian without persecutio …

"You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world…

The Persecution Yet To Come

I have been fairly reminded that R2 has deviated a bit from our original intent of describing reformations to institutional church that should allow it…
Are you Christ's remnant?

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"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it."
-Matthew 7:13

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