The Bottom of the Downward Spi …

More evidence of the steep end-times downward spiral appears every day. The character of human beings has been shipwrecked. There isn't much time left. Maybe…

2060, The Fig Tree, and Isaac …

Not allowing Les to have all of the fun presenting new end times hypotheses for the New Year, I'm going to present another idea. The correlation…

Armageddon Islam

We've shared a lot on the end times lately and should hope that any of our readers would be quick to call foul if we…

666, The Ultimate Idolatry

We've already discussed the distinct possibility that 1844 marked the beginning of the end times.  In Daniel 12 the "sealing" of his prophecy includes this…

Most American churches are Sta …

I'll get right to it. Accepting tax breaks from the government makes an institution regulated by the state, including your church. A church regulated by…

Latter-day Saints are not Chri …

Latter-day Saints are not Christians any more than a person standing in McDonald's is a hamburger. Our first post of 2016 is going to get…

1844, the telegraph, and the e …

"Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one said to that certain one who was speaking, 'How long will the vision be,…
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"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it."
-Matthew 7:13

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